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Voting power9.126K
Delegated addresses1119
Proposals created0

Delegate Statement

Daniel Ospina on behalf of RnDAO

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: RnDAO's mission is to Empower Humane Collaboration. To this end, we've been researching DAOs, organisations, ecosystem development, innovation management and capital deployment, for years and decades; we've invented and reinvented methods and tools for coordination challenges; we've led and operated across multiple DAOs as contributors, head of governance, and service providers. Acting as a delegate gives us a good platform to share our learnings, ensuring we don't repeat the mistakes we've already made as an industry but can move forward, and crate organisations that are radically better.

We've often done the hard thing, even when it wasn't popular. We've stuck with Web3 across bear cycles, we called out the SingulairtyNET foundation when they failed to consult their community and then worked closely with the core team not to shame them but to ensure the next iteration would be significantly better. We know we can do better than going back to corporations and you can count on us to take a principled and professional approach.

Skills + areas of expertise: Decentralised Governance Capital Deployment, Innovation Management, and Ecosystem Development Organisation Design, Collaboration, Change Management, Culture Design, and Operations

Disclosures/Conflicts: We're delegates in zkSync and Arbitrum

A message to the community and ecosystem: Here's some of our vision for ecosystem development

Discourse username: mrjackalop

Top Issues

Our thoughts on supporting builders: https://www.rndao.io/blog/post/startups-from-solo-to-multiplayer-from-ad-hoc-to-systematic
Our thoughts on community: https://www.rndao.io/blog/post/business-clusters-as-a-strategy-for-web3-ecosystems
Our thoughts on governance: https://rndao.mirror.xyz/TxGTNemp_c4uNeWGiubJbC3akaNfJIJYcbgQZrHLK10
On sustainability: Scroll needs to ensure sustainable projects on top of its ecosystem, with a focus on use cases outside crypto (so we grow the pie for Web3 instead of infighting). Additionally, diversifying business models with treasury management and equity portfolios (e.g. via an ecosystem fund) can drive a lot of reslience. For more, see here: https://www.rndao.io/blog/post/startups-from-solo-to-multiplayer-from-ad-hoc-to-systematic