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Delegated from18 addresses

Delegate Statement

A brief intro to yourself: ITU Blockchain is a community of approximately 5000 people. All the members have skills and areas of expertise of their own. There are currently 6 committees specified: Delegation, Design, Devs, Event Organization, Research & Content, and Marketing. These committees elaborate on various professions, including developers, designers, content creators, and so on. We encourage each community member to choose their own path by supporting them in their respective expertise. In particular, the Delegation Committee has been involved in governance for over a year and acts as a delegate for six DAOs - Optimism, Arbitrum, Uniswap, Starknet, Everclear (formerly Connext), and ZKNation. To provide more insight into our team structure, we have individuals with expertise in governance, including 10 team members, 5 advisors, and 6 heads of DAOs. Advisors are experienced in governance and provide feedback to members to ensure the quality of their work remains top-notch. Heads of DAOs oversee relevant DAO forums and ensure nothing is overlooked. After participating in the Scroll, we will appoint an interested and active member as the head of the Scroll. We also schedule weekly meetings where each DAO head shares updates and information regarding their respective DAO. When a proposal arises, the committee head or assistant forwards it to the team, and any of the 21 people can choose to take up that proposal. After thorough review, the person in charge of the proposal explains it to the team via Google Meet and presents their idea on how to vote on the proposal. Then, discussion continues until every member is on the same page, and the vote is decided by overall consensus. After voting on platforms, we prepare a summary of the proposal and our rationale. This process exemplifies how we implement the concepts of decentralization and transparency on a smaller scale.

A message to the community and ecosystem: Since we follow the developments in decentralized protocols on blockchains very closely, we can understand what is beneficial for the user. The main reason why we want to become a delegate is because we want to help users who cannot follow these processes but have voting power to use this power correctly. Moreover, we believe there are many original ideas of our community and we want to share them with the Scroll governance. If we support these ideas enough, we think governance in blockchain will take a big step towards the ultimate decentralized world. And of course, since we know that our main focuses are on the same page, we want to contribute to the decentralization of the Scroll. ITU Blockchain is located in Turkey, the country where Europe and Asia meet which gives us the advantage of providing different perspectives from different cultures and natives which eventually contributes to the decentralization needed for the delegation process. We have also noticed that most of the delegates so far are from the American environment. Both the ITU Blockchain being the delegate and the holders/stakers choosing us as the delegate will support the diversity of ideas. To provide decentralization and the association even more, an authorized team from our community will regularly follow the Scroll governance forums and inform the rest of the community (that is approximately 5000 members) when voting is required. Once we are accepted into the delegation, we will hold small meetings on governance voting to get our community's opinion. In the end, we will cast our vote according to the collective decision of the community. The greatest thing being the first and the biggest blockchain student society in Turkey, is that every person in the community is aware of these titles and knows we are the pioneers of blockchain in Turkey. This really forces us to carry the responsibility of informing people about decentralization and blockchain concepts, and we try to keep the quality of the work we do at the highest. Lastly, since we are voluntary in this society, every piece of thing we do is the result of self sacrifice and dedication. To sum up, we think that a decentralized protocol will come to a much better point by being managed with the opinions and suggestions of different communities. Since ITU Blockchain comes from both Europe and Asia, unlike other delegates, different perspectives will be put together and these perspectives will develop the Scroll. Furthermore, we are a strong believer of decentralization and aware that the governance part of blockchain plays a huge role to reach that goal. That's why we share the enthusiasm of the Scroll. Recognizing the potential of zero-knowledge technology to support decentralization and transparency, we have long anticipated collaborating with the Scroll governance, and becoming a delegate has been a primary objective for us.

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