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Delegated from1.13k addresses

Delegate Statement

Blockful improves DAO governance by focusing on security risks.

Name: Blockful

Delegate Address: gov.blockful.eth

Governance tracking: danimim.eth | gov.blockful.eth

Discourse: danimim

Discord: danimim

Twitter: @blockful_io

Blog: mirror | research.blockful.eth

Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Russian

Key interests: Governance Security, Public Goods, Improve governance participation

About Blockful

We are a company focused on creating tools that help improve coordination between human beings in society. We use lines of code to reduce friction between people and increase the efficiency of social interactions.

Blockful ecosystems

In recent years, we have leveraged our expertise to contribute to the growing ecosystem of decentralized organizations. As a service provider for DAOs such as ENS DAO and Shutter DAO 0x36, we also participate in ecosystems like Optimism and Arbitrum. Additionally, we are Uniswap grantees, focusing on developing tools that enhance their governance.

Our aim is to understand the model, culture, and structure of each DAO so that we can contribute in the best possible way.

We not only want to provide tools for decentralized organizations, but also actively participate in debates, votes, and improvements for DAOs – including Scroll.

How we act in governance

We stand for more efficient, equal, agile and creative governance.

We know how difficult it is for DAOs to bring in more people to participate in their votes and for everyone who is already there to coordinate to improve the organization.

Here’s a brief overview of our work:

Our additional contributions include:

  • Governance research for Uniswap, along with the development of a tool to track governance activities across the ecosystem
  • Scaling ENS on Optimism
  • Scaling ENS on Arbitrum
  • Developing an onchain reputation product (attestation layer), integrated with Gitcoin, Karma GAP, the Zuzalu Community, and other key platforms

Our aim, as delegates, is to fill this participation vacuum.

With the Blockful team, we want to help the DAO's decision-making process by backing it up with data and research. In this way, the organization will be able to vote on better proposals and build a more efficient and sustainable ecosystem.

A Security-Oriented Approach

Blockful is constantly working to make DAO governance more secure.

We've seen a number of attacks on decentralized organizations due to problems in the structure of DAOs.

At first, these may be simple concerns, such as low participation in delegate governance. But they have the potential to bring about the end of the protocol - by stealing money from the treasury, exploiting a vulnerability in the protocol or even forcing the organization to dissolve.

Our goal in governance is always to think about Scroll's security. Not just profitability or financial efficiency, but asking ourselves: is this a new risk vector for the DAO?

With the answers, we can help not only to vote, but to contribute to the development of safer governance in the organization.

Top Issues

On security, I believe governance should prioritize risk mitigation, safeguarding DAOs from potential threats to ensure stability and resilience.
On governance, I believe in efficient, inclusive systems that enhance participation and coordination, enabling DAOs to make well-informed decisions.
On sustainability, I believe governance must support long-term success by ensuring adaptability and informed decision-making for lasting impact.

Past Votes

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