ENS Avatar
Voting power71.78K
Delegated addresses1150
Proposals created0

Delegate Statement

A free, public-access voter block that serves as a public good for all Scroll community members by distributing its voting power back to the community granting over 100,000x vote multiples when voting through Event Horizon.

Metrics & Traction: Event Horizon is already live within both the Gitcoin and Arbitrum ecosystems and has mobilized >$150,000,000 of voting power across ~500 proposals on over 7 DAOs all on behalf of retail voters at no cost to the user. This is $100,000,000 of voice amplification for the low-capital, high-conviction citizens which would never have been possible prior to the Event Horizon's product.

Arbitrum Event Horizon partnered with Arbitrum DAO and now facilitates a 7,000,000 ARB public voting pool for the community: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/arbitrum/delegate/0x0edb976ce9b3b08c7e0a20a89bf1bce0e5f99356

Compound Event Horizon maintains a $2,500,000 voting pool for the Compound community.

Gitcoin: Event Horizon officially partnered with Gitcoin to leverage the Gitcoin Passport and received a 150,000 GTC community delegation.

Top Issues

All community members should have a platform to speak from
Governance and metagovernance should continuously evolve
Non-financial gametheoretics are a needed break from crypto's typical finance-first mechanisms